
Friday, January 14, 2011

Zodiac Sign Changes: It makes me a libra from being a Scorpion!?

"OPHIUCHUS". I'm sure you've already heard that word or seen it on Twitter as this topic trends worldwide. Well for those na hindi pa alam ang tungkol sa word na yan. Ophiuchus , as they've said, is the new addition to the list of 12 zodiac signs. This sign is inserted between Scorpio and Sagittarius. So that makes me  a Libra from being a Scorpion. But...this NEW SIGN IS ONLY APPLICABLE TO THOSE WHO BORN THIS YEAR 2011. Meaning, hindi ako apektado ng pagkakadagdag ng bagong sign na ito neither you, yes you! So, I remain as a Scorpion.

Btw, What is Ophiuchus? Opihiuchus is also known as Serpentarius. It is a constellation commonly depicted in artwork as a man grasping the snake that is the constellation Serpens.

Astronomer Parke Kunkle explain this zodiac sign changes.
 “This is not something that happened today. This has gone on for thousands of years.
 The star doctors say Earth is currently in a different spot in relation to the Sun, and its equatorial alignment has changed from 3,000 years ago when the study of astrology began — back when 12 zodiac signs were assigned to 12 different periods of the year.
Those signs you were born into are different now because the Earth’s wobble on its axis has created a one-month bump in the alignment of the stars, according to Kunkle.
“Because of this change of tilt, the Earth is really over here in effect and Sun is in a different constellation than it was 3,000 years ago,”he added.
 But the question is " Is Ophiuchus the new 13th sign ?
According to dailyhoroscope. 
No. It’s just a constellation. Even the founding text for Astrology (Tetrabiblos by Claudius Ptolemy written 170 AD only mentions 12 signs.) A few astrologers who practice the controversial sidereal  (consellation-based) zodiac use it as the 13th zodiacal sign – and by a few we mean about 1 percent.
Astrology is based on the four seasons, not on constellations -- and the seasons don’t change. As Levine said above, there are four seasons, each with a beginning, middle and end, which adds up to 12 zodiac signs. There is no 13th astrological sign. Period.

TANDAAN: Ano mang mangyare, totoo man na may 13th sign or not. Let's put in our mind na hindi hawak ng mga mga bituin/horoscope/zodiac signs ang ating kapalaran. Gabay lamang sila. Mayroon tayong freewill gamitin natin ito. Ito po si Zenaiva Seva at magbabalik ang "Umagang Kay Ganda". HAHAHA!


  1. bakit pinalitan?

    oh btw, anong title nung piano piece na background music sa blog mo? very relaxing.

  2. para maguluhan daw ang tao. hihi..

    wow! thank you for noticing my BGM. "PRAY" by justin bieber. :)

  3. hahaha! thanks iamAPv :) will download the song.

  4. haha! you can call me allan na lang. para hindi ka mhirapan i-type ang iamAPv (because of capitalize AP) :D

  5. ok. thanks allan. was able to convert a youtube video (piano cover) to mp3 yay! added to my ipod playlist. thanks again.


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