
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Jessica Sanchez sings 'Dance With My Father' on American Idol 11 Top 6 Show

Jessica Sanchez once again wowed me (and hopefully you too) with her own rendition of "Dance With My Father' originally sang by Luther Vandross during the American Idol 11 Top 6 Performance Show

Her performance was really full of emotions and you can feel it through her voice and see it on Jessica’s action on how she misses her father so badly. In short, Jessica owned the song and performed it so naturally.

Anyway, Jessica still needs your vote for her not to be eliminated tomorrow. You only have 2 hours to vote after the show. 

Here's How to Vote:

In the US, 
(1) You can vote for Jessica Sanchez by calling 1-866-IDOLS-01 (1-866-436-5701) 
(2) Text “VOTE” to 5705.

Outside US,
(1) If you have Magic Jack or NetTalk phones, you can vote for Jessica by dialing the toll free number that will be assigned to her after the American Idol show. Check Jessica Sanchez Facebook  to find out the toll free number she got for that episode.

You have 2 chances to vote: 10am-12noon and 1pm-3pm on Thursday Manila time. If you get busy tone (try at least twice to be sure) on the first time slot, that means your Magic Jack or NetTalk phone has a West Coast number, so trying dialing on the second time slot (1-3pm). You can vote as many times as you want via dial method. If you get a busy tone, it means the voting is closed.
(2) You can also try dialing from your computer using Skype for free. If you got busy tone on the first time slot, try the second time slot. If you have Skype app on your smartphones, that should work too.

(3) To vote online via Facebook, click here.

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