
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Class Schedule of an Executive

Yey! Seen my class schedules already for this incoming school term. Only 4 school days for me. I have no classes every Fridays and Saturdays & of course, Sundays. Love it! :) Although, my Tuesday and Thursday schedule is a bit tiring and too hectic, from 9:30am to 7:30pm - I have no lunch break, nor merienda break...none at all. But I think I can survive those days because my International Cuisine class is on the same day and it happens that it is during lunch time. Saved by the bell there! ;) 

My ‘original schedule’ has no Logic class but because I need to take that subject mainly because it is a first year subject and yet I’m already fourth year so it’s been almost 3 years na iniiwasan ko ang logic na yan. Kaya kinuha ko na! Para matapos na! 

Moreover, the first time I've seen my subjects this term. I could tell that this term would be about lots of paper works and presentation. Oh well, what’s new?

PS. I belonged to the 'Executive Class' this term. Please don’t be fooled by the name. There’s nothing special about it or ‘bout that section. Though, it is the most refined section name I've been to. During my past years - I remember, I went to section of Syrah (wine) and Sommelier (wine server). Now, I can say, there is progress! lol

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