
Friday, October 5, 2012

DOT Launched "It's More Fun In The Philippines" Official AVP

The Department of Tourism has launched the official Audio Video Presentation (AVP) of the sensational campaign “It’s More Fun in the Philippines.”

The AVP which runs for 2 minute and 42 seconds highlights the country’s world famous tourist attractions such as the Mayon Volcano in Albay, the Chocolate Hills in Bohol and Boracay, which was named world’s best island by international travel magazine Travel + Leisure.

The AVP’s introduction goes: “We’re a country named after a Spanish King. To which an American general vowed to return. Or as someone described our history, ‘300 years in a convent, and 50 years in Hollywood.’”

Here’s the official AVP of the “It’s more fun in the Philippines” campaign:

Do you like the 'Its More Fun In The Philippines' Official AVP ??

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