
Friday, August 16, 2013

Chot Reyes to change Gilas Pilipinas line-up to form 'best team'

National coach Chot Reyes said he will be using the same line-up of the Gilas Pilipinas for the 2014 FIBA Basketball World Cup, but he may consider some changes if necessary.

Gilas Pilipinas line-up FIBA WORLD CUP 2014

"Of course, I'm going to war with these guys who brought me here," Reyes said in an interview on ANC on Thursday morning.

However, Reyes said he may tweak the current roster of Gilas to form the "best" team for the FIBA World Cup set in Spain next year.

"Although I want to keep, of course, the same team together, my job as a coach for the World Cup is to put the best team," he said.

"If the time comes there is one or two who I feel would be better for the team, then I'll have to make the decision at that point," he added.

The bemedalled coach said the current Gilas roster doesn't have the "best" players in terms of individual talent.

He said in fact, another set of 12 players can be picked from the PBA who are better than the Gilas members who recently won second place in the FIBA Asia Championship.

But Reyes reiterated that it is not about having the best talent, but having "the best players who can fit together for the team."

"Individually, these are not the best players. But when you put them together, the sum was really greater than the parts," said Reyes.

The current 12-man pool of Gilas Pilipinas grabbed the silver medal in the FIBA Asia tourney after beating long-time rival South Korea last August 10.

Gilas lost in its gold medal match against undefeated Iran but it achieved its objective of giving the Philippines a ticket for the world championships, ending the country's over three-decade absence in the world basketball map.

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