
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Timothy Bradley tops Juan Manuel Marquez via split-decision

Timothy Bradley retains his undefeated status and his WBO Welterweight title as he beat Juan Manuel Marquez via split decision. The judges scored it 115-113 Marquez, 115-113 Bradley, 116-112 Bradley


ROUND 1: Fighters are measuring their jabs in the first minute of the fight. Marquez lands the first combination of the fight. The two clash heads but there's no damage. Marquez lands a nice left hook to end the round.

ROUND 2: Both fighters went back to throwing jabs, maybe out of respect to each other's power. Bradley scores with a nice right straight that lands on Marquez's face. The two engage in the fight's first real exchange but Bradley does enough to take the round

ROUND 3: Marquez lands a nice straight right to the body. Bradley replies with a left jab to the body. Marquez lands a right over the top. He follows this up with another lead right that connects.

ROUND 4: The referee momentarily stops the fight as there appears to be too much Vaseline on the body of Marquez. His corner wipes it off and action resumes for round 4. Marquez lands a good left hook right uppercut combo inside. Bradley replies with a nice one-two followed by a weave to evade the Mexican's counter. Very close round.

ROUND 5:  Bradley is making it difficult for Marquez to land his jabs. He keep coming up short. as Bradley is timing his steps perfectly. Marquez misses with a wild left-right-left combo. Both fighters are now taunting each other as the crowd goes wild. Bradley is asking Marquez to chase him around the ring. The Mexican finishes the round by landing a left.

ROUND 6:  Round starts with the fighters exchanging jabs. Marquez lands a right but Bradley is putting his punches together now. Crowd is booing as Bradley refuses to mix it up, contented with moving back and scoring points. A defiant Bradley raises both his hands as he walks back to his corner.

ROUND 7: Bradley is sticking to his gameplan of moving around, making Marquez chanse him. Without his opponent engaging, Marquez is finding it hard to connect with power punches.

ROUND 8: Marquez's face is starting to show some signs of damage. Bradley has not landed anything really powerful but the accumulation of punches is doing the job for the reigning champion. This is looking strangely like the Mayweather-Marquez fight. Bradley is too elusive for Marquez. The counter-puncher is finding it hard to score without a Pacquiao-like opponent in front of him.

ROUND 9: Bradley lands a nice right-left combination. Still sticking to his hit and not-be-hit plan which is working to perfection. Marquez throwing heavy leather but Bradley is blocking most of his punches. Marquez finishes the round strong by landing two strong punches. Enough to steal the round from Bradley who smiles as he walks back to his corner. 

ROUND 10: Bradley lands a good two punch combination to start the round. They finally exchange in close range but Bradley gets the better of it as he wobbles Marquez with a short right hand!!! Marquez is starting to show his frustration. He just can't seem to hit the elusive Bradley with consecutive power punches.

ROUND 11: Marquez opens the championship rounds by landing a his famous lead right. He connected with another right but Bradley digs a combination to the body. Marquez tried teeing off but Bradley is bobbing and weaving his way out of trouble. Bradley does enough to eke out the round.

ROUND 12: Marquez needs to do something drastic to shake this fight up. Bradley is dictating the tempo so far. Barely any exchanges inside for both fighters. Bradley still moving away. Marquez corners Bradley and throws a flurry but he missed most of his punches. Bradley ended the fight by hurting Marquez again.


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