a must-read blog of a simple college guy who dreaming big in life. his blog deals with talks about sports, entertainment, food, travel and his personal life. - It started as a hobby until it become part of his life.


Showing posts with label funnysite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funnysite. Show all posts

Friday, May 14, 2010

See your face...in 20 years from now !

I read an article about this funny thing from one of my fave blogs, motwister.squarespace.com, and syempre dahil kakabored ngayon. ayun pinaglaruan ko talaga.

In this stuff you can see yourself 20 years from now ! but there's no big chances na magkatotoo 'to syempre.

Ang mga napagdiskitahan kong paglaruan ay ang mga Twilight lead star. see their pictures below.
