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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Juan Manuel Marquez wants rematch vs Bradley, not Pacquiao

Juan Manuel Marquez claimed he was robbed of victory in his recent WBO welterweight title clash with Timothy Bradley.

The Mexican fighter said he wants to fight Bradley again to set things right.

"I'm sad for what happened in my last fight, because I needed to win. I was more focused and stronger, but as I look to the future....what motivates me is a rematch with Bradley,” Marquez said in a Boxing Scene report by Rene Umanzor.

The 40-year-old Marquez said he is willing to delay his retirement plans to set the record straight with Bradley.

The unbeaten American edged Marquez with a 12-round split decision to retain his WBO welterweight crown.

Judges saw the bout 116-112 and 115-113 for Bradley and 115-113 for Marquez.

“Nothing else could take place if I don't carry out this fight. I have to settle this issue with Timothy Bradley, as long as he accepts a rematch, because I want to make it clear who won on the 12th of October,” said Marquez.

He stressed that he’s unlike to accept any other opponents aside from Bradley.

“I'm not thinking about [other opponents], I'm more interested in making a rematch against Bradley to make it clear who is who. I already talked a bit with [trainer] Nacho [Beristain] and we feel that is the best option.”


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